miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

BIGDATA: From the SEO, SEM and SMO to the TITAN

By the middle of the 90's began to be valued the positioning and visibility of the places web in the searchers - mainly for their commercial & marketing importance- creating an opportunity for internet users that began to specialize in technical of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) considering that to occupy the first positions in the pages of results can be crucial for a place web. 
This process consists on improving the visibility of a place web in the results of the different searchers, and although it is also common to call it positioning web, this term is not so precise since it includes other traffic sources outside of the search motors. 
In the case of the natural or organic positioning the objective is to appear in the highest positions possible of the search results for an or several concrete words, what supposes to optimize the structure of a web and its content increasing the fame of the web, due to the increase of mentions, what is translated in payments in commercial places and has given place to denominated Search Engine Marketing (SEM).

Continuing with these initials of three letters, more recently the optimization of social media, or Social Media Optimization (SMO) has arisen, making reference to the strategy carried out to be positioned as company, institution or person in the net, generally with an advertising or commercial purpose, task that is generally in the administrator's of social nets hands, well-known as Community Manager. 
And where do arrive with all this? To that every day a bigger quantity of sources of data exists, but at the same time new digital sources are developed that allow its in real time monitor through instruments, sensors and internet transactions, what impels a new sector denominated Big Data: and why the BIG? Because according to statistical of IBM, 90% of the data that circulate at the moment in the digital world was generated in the last two years and every day 2.5 quintillions of bytes of data they are believed, it calculates in increase due to the dynamism of this sector of the knowledge that modifies in each second. 
More data? Those more than a thousand millions of users of Facebook registered generate more than 1.500 upgrades per second. The platform of trade eBay and it constantly upgrades the data of more than 100 million active users, differentiating their buyers profiles clearly. 
And who does break the record in the handling of data? The laboratory LHC (Large Hadron Collider) that possesses the biggest accelerator of particles in the world, located in the frontier of France with Switzerland, where according to the popular culture the is looked for "particle of God". In only three years of operation they have accumulated 100 petaflops of floating data ( of operations per second), as this figure it is unpronounceable, we could say that it is equivalent to about 700 years of HD movie in high quality. 
And finally, the practical question: What supercomputer will be able to manage these gigantic quantities of data that constantly modify? The Cray Titan, created by the signature Cray Inc. is operational from October of 2012. Is expected that it overcomes the capacity of 20 petaflops, although up to now stayed in a real speed of 17,59 petaflops, being the quickest supercomputer in the world, composed by a hybrid system that consists of a total of 560.640 processors, of which 299.008 are AMD Opteron 6274 of 16 nucle and the other ones 261.232 remaining they are graphic processors NVIDIA Tesla K20x. It also includes 10.000 rigid disks of 1 terrabyte and 7200 rpm, with a speed of transfer of 240 GB/s. 
Without place to doubts, with all the data that circulate in our digital world, from these supercomputer will be able to in some moment to substratum that the swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung denominated our "collective unconscious", common to all the human beings of all the times and places of the world, something that is still beyond the reason.  

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